Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Eco Friendly | Truth

Eco friendly has been the trending topic nowadays, if you haven't noticed businesses, governments, celebrities and coalitions have been competing on who's more Eco friendly than who, it's alright to do that if they really are helping the environment, but the question is do they really do these save earth thing for the sake of our environment or do they just promote things like these for their own sake? a lot of businesses, coalitions, governments and celebrities usually promote Eco friendly campaigns just to gain publicity. Votes, fame and sales are all they really care about, even if it means destroying the environment or even their country by promoting falsely. 
That is why it's important for us as an individual to open our eyes and mind, remember to think before we judge and support a campaign or promotion, because not everything we hear from the media are true, unless it is scientifically proven.
A good example of these false campaign is the promotion of the use of paper bag and cotton bag as our shopping bags, do you think these promotion helps the environment? here are some of the details everyone needs to know, let's compare them to our traditional hated plastic bags:

- In order to make 1 ton of paper up to 17 trees need to be logged.
- 1 gallon of water is needed to make just 1 paper bag. Same amount of water can already produce 116 plastic bags. 
- 200% more energy is needed to produce paper bags than plastic bags.
- Paper bags produce 3 times more carbon emission than plastic bags.   
- A paper bag weighs 600% more than a plastic bag does, which means it consumes more landfill space.
- The cotton bags which they're all promoting right now the so called Eco Bag, does 200 times more damaging effect to the climate than a plastic bag can.
- Cotton bags need to be reused 171 times just to equal the low carbon emission of a plastic bag.
eco friendlyNeed I say more? Ladies and gentlemen, no matter what argument they say about "recycled paper uses waste paper material not trees", paper is still paper will there be a recycled paper if there were no trees involved? what is the source of paper? Trees right? so encouraging people to use paper bags only means more logging, and what happens when our rainforest are depleted? our worse nightmare, Global Warming, flood, famine and then the end of the world. While falsely promoting the cotton bag renaming it as the Eco Bag is also wrong, brain washing scheme is what they're doing to us, it is one of their marketing strategy. The carbon emission of a Cotton bag is high, and that is why we need to reuse it 171 times just to lower the emission to a friendly level, but can you reuse such bag 171 times? I doubt that, survey says more or less, cotton bags are only used 51 times at its best. 
eco friendlyHigh carbon emissions causes Global warming and promoting the use of cotton bags only means promoting global warming, we should actually rename these cotton bags to Global Warming bags, for it is a much suitable name to it. 
If you're already complaining about the impact of plastics to the environment, then you're making it even worse by promoting these 2 products. So the next time you walk into a store always remember the use of a paper bag or the global warming bag, contributes to ending the world that's the scientifically proven truth.
Powerful businesses, governments and celebrities you guys are in a position in these world where everyone dreams of,  you're living in a dream why do you want it to end? don't you know by promoting falsely you are also ending the world? 
As an individual I encourage you all to look, and think clearly before believing something, as long as there is no scientific research proving the claims, do not believe in it.

Eco Friendly Research Sources:
- Technological Association of Pulp and Paper Industries (TAPPI)
- Life Cycle Assessment for Three Types of Grocery Bags - Recyclable Plastic; Compostable, Biodegradable Plastic; and Recycled, Recyclable Paper. 2007; study performed by Boustead Consulting & Associates, Ltd
- Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier Bags: A Review of the Bags Available in 2006. UK Environment Agency. July 2011.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eco Friendly | Plastics

First thing I'd like to say is we should make a thorough investigation on things before we point our fingers to blame on it, things such as Plastic bags, don't accuse on something just to make yourself popular (Politicians, Companies, Malls, Celebrities), don't claim to be Eco Friendly only to impress and get more customers or people by your side when in reality is your making the situation even worse because of the lack of knowledge you possess, which you try to make people believe you know.

Let's get to the point, people all over the world nowadays accuse Plastic Bags as the one destroying their environment and even attempts to find ways to ban this type of product and encourages people to use paper instead, now do you think that's the right thing to encourage? from my point of view that's total insanity, just think, what type of material is used to create paper? the answer is Trees, so imagine a world where everyone uses paper bags what do you think will happen to our rainforest? yes that's right there ain't gonna be one and this is one of the reasons why plastic was introduced to save earth to save the green in the world, if you're one of those guys who encourage people to use paper instead of plastics then you're like encouraging people to chop down more trees, now do you still see yourself as Green, environment, Eco Friendly?

As for the floods, people point the blame on plastic bags, for they claim to find more numbers of plastic bags than other garbage's, this is not true, we had our department of science check on one of our city's dump site, only 12% of trash are plastic bags, and to think that we use plastic bags to contain our trash and it only produce 12% of trash only means that these product is not the problem, people claim to find more plastic bags, because plastics are light in weight and it is usually the one to float while other trashes are submerged inside that is why we see more of plastic bags in the landfill, but in reality 88% of the trash are not plastic bags. So if you want to regulate garbage's I suggest you try to ban the 88% of it not the 12%, what good is there solving the 12% part when the big part is still around.

As for the clogging in creeks and sewers, let me refresh your brains from hypnosis and remind you that plastics are non living things and we shouldn't put the blame on non living things but rather put it on the living (Human Beings for example), also let me tell you that plastic bags are REUSABLE and RECYCLABLE, so if we the people in this world dump plastic bags in their proper dump stations then none of this problems would have happen, So in my conclusion paper, plastic or canvas and etc won't solve anything because any of those products would share the same problem if we people misuse it.

The answer to all this is DISCIPLINE, if we could apply these discipline on the road for car drivers why can't we apply it on individuals make it a strict rule of NO LITTERING and to SEGREGATE and put their garbage in a proper place which all of our government must provide such as garbage cans, and in return the recyclable products such as plastics that are segregated could be sold(IN A REASONABLE MARKET PRICE) to recycling companies, thus the government gets an added income, isn't this a better way for all of us? I know it is impossible to expect everybody to follow, but by strictly applying this rules will help get at least 50% of the people to follow, which would be good enough and more effective than what we are trying to do right now.

Plastic Facts | Eco Friendly

- Did you know plastic grocery bags consume 40% less energy to produce and generate 80% less solid waste than paper bags?

- Paper sacks generate 70 percent more air and 50 times more water pollutants than plastic bags.

- 2000 plastic bags weigh 30 pounds, 2000 paper bags weigh 280 pounds. The latter takes up a lot more landfill space.

- It takes 91 percent less energy to recycle a pound of plastic than it takes to recycle a pound of paper. It takes more than four times as much energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to manufacture a plastic bag.

- Current research demonstrates that paper in today's landfills does not degrade or break down at a substantially faster rate than plastic does. In fact, nothing completely degrades in modern landfills due to the lack of water, light, oxygen, and other important elements that are necessary for the degradation process to be completed.

- It takes 91 percent less energy to recycle a pound of plastic than it takes to recycle a pound of paper.

- It takes more than four times as much energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to manufacture a plastic bag.

Eco Friendly Save Earth Source:

For other details on the Truth about Plastic Bags Visit: